Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana receives $5,425 donation from Woodforest Charitable Foundation.
08-May, 2013

Photo Caption:Presenting the check (left to right) is Andrew Johnsonbaugh, WNB Branch Manager, Camby, IN; Chris Wesolowski, WNB Branch Manager, Columbus, IN; Scott Mercaeant-Koohns, WNB Branch Manager, Greenwood, IN; Michael Heil, Regional Manager, WNB to Peg Strodtbeck, Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana; Erik Goins, WNB Branch Manager, Brownsburg, IN; Vicki Richmond, Treasurer, Woodforest Charitable Foundation; Nick Aldrich, WNB Branch Manager, Avon, IN; Boyd Nelson, Executive Vice President, WNB; Jacob Brown, WNB Branch Manager, Indianapolis, IN and Carol Roman, WNB Branch Manager, Seymour, IN.
Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana recently received a $5,425 donation from the Woodforest Charitable Foundation and Woodforest National Bank.