Woodforest Charitable Foundation donates $1,850 to Fredericksburg Area Food Bank

Photo Caption:Juanita Stanley, Woodforest National Bank; Oya Oliver, Executive Director of Fredericksburg Area Food Bank; and Ross Folkenroth, Woodforest National Bank.
FREDERICKSBURG, VA –Woodforest Charitable Foundation makes a $1,850 contribution to Fredericksburg Area Food Bank. The funds will support the Food Bank’s Club Kids Program.
Created in 1982, the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank helps to provide nutritious food to over 200,000 people each year through a network of 78 non-profit organizations. Last year the Food Bank distributed over 3.4 million pounds of food and grocery product to families and individuals in need in a five-county service area. Each month, partner agencies serve more than 17,000 individuals that are at-risk of hunger. Of those 17,000 more than half are children and senior citizens.
The Club Kids is an after-school feeding program that provides snacks to income-qualified children. This program runs in conjunction with mentoring, homework, recreation programs existing in schools and other non-profit agencies. “With Woodforest’s donation we are able to provide food for hungry, income-eligible children participating in after-school programs,” stated Oya Oliver, Executive Director of Fredericksburg Area Food Bank. “We greatly appreciate the Foundation’s continuing support of our mission to provide nutritious food to children at risk of hunger.”
For more information about Fredericksburg Area Food Bank, please call 540- 371-7666 or visit www.fredfood.org.
The Woodforest Charitable Foundation was created by Woodforest National Bank in 2005 as a direct result of its desire to support and invest in the communities in which it serves. The Foundation is creating a legacy of commitment to those in need, enriching lives and communities through dedicated leadership and faithful administration by providing funding to qualifying 501(c)(3) charities. For additional information regarding The Woodforest Charitable Foundation, call 832-375-CARE (2273) or visit the Foundation’s website at www.woodforestcharitablefoundation.org.
Celebrating 30 years of service and ranked among the top earning banks in the United States, the Woodforest family of banks currently has assets of approximately $3.2 billion and services more than 850,000 customers with branches in excess of 750 throughout seventeen states: Texas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. For information about Woodforest National Bank, please call 832-375-2000 or visit the bank’s website at www.woodforest.com.